Liebster Award!

I just wanted to say thank you to Rowan from “Bodacious Book Babe” for nominating me! Check out her blog here!


  • link back and thank the blogger(s) who nominated you.
  • answer the eleven questions they give you
  • tag up to eleven blogger who have 200 or less followers
  • ask your nominees eleven questions and let them know you tagged them!

Questions from Rowan:

1. Worst book you’ve ever read?

I honestly had to go check my Goodreads to see what books I rated lowest, because not only did I hate this book while reading it, but I forgot about it soon after. And that book, my friends, is Arena One by Morgan Rice. In theory, it’s plot was interesting. It came out during the whole dystopian obsession when The Hunger Games, but the writing was bad, the characters worse, and just…no.

2. Favorite book to movie adaptation?

I’m just going to be lame and say The Hobbit and The Lord of the the Rings by Tolkien. I love the books. The obsession is as real as Sauron’s for the Ring. And it’s not that I love the movies because they’re so close to the books, because, let’s be real, they’re completely different. But I’ve learned to separate the two and love them both for what they are: amazing.

3. Favorite fictional character of all time?

I can’t decide. I really can’t pick one because it really depends on what I’ve read most recently. I can narrow it down to a few, but I won’t put too much thought into it, otherwise I’ll be here all day.

Gandalf and Bilbo – The Hobbit and LotR

Celaena Sardothien – Throne of Glass Series

Atticus Finch – To Kill a Mockingbird

Hazel Grace Lancaster – The Fault in Our Stars

Pretty much any female lead from Tamora Pierce’s Tortall books.

4. Top three favorite fictional worlds/places?

– Not to sounds like a broken record, but Middle Earth.

– I also loved Abarat from the series of the same name by Clive Barker.

– Erilea from Throne of Glass.

5. What book are you reading right now? Which book do you wish you were reading right now?

I’m currently reading Shutter by Courtney Alameda, but I’d honestly rather be rereading Lord of the Rings or Throne of Glass again. I have no shame.

6. If you could go on a date with one fictional character, who would it be and where would you go?

Hmmm, I think it’d be fun to go on a hike or something with Chaol Westfall or Rowan Whitethorn. If I’m being honest, I don’t think I would stand for the abuse Rowan gave Celaena, but somehow, I still love him. But, I also love Chaol, and he’s a really good dude.

7. Who is your favorite fictional villain? Why?

Hummm, I liked The Darkling from The Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo. I was rooting for his redemption up until the middle of the second book. Also, if you can count Ty from Stolen by Lucy Christopher as a villain, then him. Definitely.

8. Favorite and least favorite book series and why?

Favorite: LotR or Throne of Glass or Abarat.

Least: The Mara Dyer Trilogy. I’m sure there are worse ones, but this one sticks out for me. I flew through the first book, got bogged down in the second, and I refuse to finish it.

9. Who are some of your favorite bloggers and why?

I’m relatively new to the blogging scene, so I’m still exploring, but so far I really like Stefani’s blog “Caught Read Handed“; Angela from “Perpetual Pages“; Eunice from “Nerdy Talks“; and Silanur from “Infinite Boooks“. There are so many more out there, but these stick out because I follow them all on Instagram (I don’t want to sound like a stalker here), and not only are their pictures gorgeous, but they have intelligent things to say about the books they read! Plus, they’re nice, so that’s a bonus.

10. Paperback, hardcover, or ebook?

Hardcovers are the prettiest, but paperbacks are more portable and cheaper. But paperbacks are also easier on my hands. I guess I’ll have to say paperbacks. Ebooks aren’t even really on my radar.

11. Top ten books you want to read this year?

Infinite by Jodi Meadows

The Orphan Queen by Jodi Meadows

– A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

The Wicked Will Rise by Danielle Paige

Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas

Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee

The Heart of Betrayal by Mary E. Pearson

– The Legend Trilogy by Marie Lu

North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

Who I’m Nominating:

  1. Silanur from “Infinite Booooks
  2. Eunice from “Nerdy Talks
  3. Jasmine from “thesepaperwords
  4. Emma from “emdoesbookreviews
  5. Nicole from “awayinneverland
  6. Angela from “Perpetual Pages
  7. Danielle from “inked words and wrinkles

My Questions:

1. What are your favorite authors? I know it’s tough, but I’m not limiting you to a certain number!

2. Favorite book as a child? Do you still go back a read it occasionally?

3. Are there any movie adaptations that you prefer over the actual book?

4. If you were the hero/heroine of your own story, what fictional character would you pick as your companion/sidekick?

5. Do you read one book at a time, or do you read multiple at once?

6. If you could read one genre for the rest of the year, what would it be?

7. What books being released this year are you most looking forward to?

8. Where’s you favorite spot to read?

9. Also, favorite beverage while reading?

10. I hate to do this (just kidding, I don’t), but who are your top 5 female characters? What about male?

11. And finally, what’s next on the TBR list?



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